Find Your Community

We encourage everyone who calls Trinity Church home to commit to one hour a week in community.


Community Groups

In Acts 2:42, we see that "all the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer." (NLT)

We define community as purposeful relationships around the shared value of knowing, trusting, and obeying God in our lives. Community happens through:

  1. Established groups that meet once monthly or more frequently.
  2. Short-term groups/equip/pillar classes that gather for a period of four weeks or longer.
  3. Serving and mission teams that connect people to God and ongoing relationships with one another

We are always launching new opportunities for men, women, singles, couples, young adults, senior adults, and families to experience relational discipleship in a variety of smaller group settings we call community.